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Jumat, 29 Januari 2016

Procedure text

  Procedure is a text that tell about how to make, how to use, how to operate something (teks yang menceritakan tentang bagaimana membuat, cara menggunakan, cara mengoperasikan sesuatu).
  Generic Structure procedure (struktur teks) :
1. Goals (tujuan)
2. Materials (bahan-bahan)
3. Steps (langkah-langkah)
          Crispy Onuon Rings
Ingredients :
- water
- 1/2 tbs salt
- big onions
-1 oz flour

Steps :
1. Put salt, papper, and flour into a bowl.
2. Pour water into the bowl.
3. Mix them well.
4. Slice the onions into ring shapes.
5. Smear them with the mixture.
6. Heat the oil.
7. Fry the smeared onions for two minutes.
8. Sieve the onions before putting them on a plate.
9. Enjoy them with chili sauce.

Narratives text

 Narratives is a text to amuse or entertain the readers (untuk menghibur pembaca). Teks ini nencerikatakan dongeng (legend).
 Generic Structure (struktur) text narratives :
1. Orientation (memperkanalkan tokoh dan setting waktu serta tempat).
2. Complication (permasalahan mulai muncul).
3. Resolution (penyelesaian masalah)

              Two Duck and a Tortoise
  two ducks lived in small pond. they had a friend. it was a small tortoise. one year there was very little rain. the pond was going to dry up. "the pond is drying", one ducks said. "there will be no water in this pond. do you like to go and look for another place to stay?" "i have been thinking about her and i agree whit you" his friend answerd. "but don't forget to say good bye to our friend the tortoise, he will miss us. when they told him they were going to leave". the tortoise said "don't leave me alone, you are my good friend. won't you take me? i will die here without any water. take me with you please?".
  One of the ducks answerd, " we can't live you with us. We are going to fly, but you have bo wings. We are very sorry, we must leave you." The tortois thought a moment and then said. "Would you here please?'. The tortois went away and found a strong stick. He brought it to his friends. He put the middle of the stick between his teeth. He said, "i have found the way. Take one end of the stick with your mouth. You can lift me up and carry me with you".
  "But is very dangerous" said one suck. "When you try to talk while you are flying you, you cannot hold the stick and you will fall down to the ground."
"I won't talk while are carrying me." Tehe ducks took the stick and flow away. The tortoise was between them. When they were flying over field some peolpe saw them "look, those ducks are carrying a dog"
  The tortoise angry "a dong?" I am not ...." he said, but he did not get any other words, but when he open his mouth the stick came out of his teeth. The tortoise fell down to the ground.

Kamis, 28 Januari 2016

Catatan Klasik


 Hello guys! Di catatan klasik inii akuu mau menceritakan sedikit tentang sejarah hidupkuu:)
 Iyaaa jadiii 15 tahun lalu tepatnya tanggal 3 maret 2001 dan lebih tepatnya jugaa ratusan minggu yang laluuu, yaitu minggu pertama di bulan maret 2001 hari sabtuu sekitar jam 4 pagii di Tasikmalaya seorang bayi perempuan lahir. Iyaa itulah akuu, hello guys! My name is Isma najiyya Jauzaa'tunnajah. Isma, jiyya that's my nickname hehe. Sekolah pertamaku yaitu TK al-hidayah, setelah itu lanjut ke SDN Gunung Lipung 2 , dan sekarang aku menuntut ilmu di SMPN 2 Tasikmalaya kelas IX-D. Cukup yaa sejarah atau perkenalannyaa;)
  Tungguu postingan akuu selanjutnya yaaa:)

Rabu, 27 Januari 2016

Apa itu goresan kata?

 Yeay! Akhirnya blog ini selesai dibuat hihii, setelah beberapa jam gagal dan akhirnyaa bisaa jugaa.
 Di posting pertama aku inii mau bahas sedikit tentang judul "goresan kata" hmm iya goresan kata. Jadi guys maksud judul ituu aku pikir setiap goresan-goresan kata yang terangkai perlahan terus menerus akan membentuk sebuah kalimat yang dapat dibaca untuk menambah ilmu pengetahuan, iya "ilmu". Ilmu sendiri adalah hal terpenting ketika seseorang ingin mendapatkan kesuksesan di dunia maupun akhirat. Di blog inii saya akan menulis pengetahuan2 dan ilmu2 yang saya pelajari, semoga bisa bermaanfaat untuk aku dan untuk kalian juga yaa amiin. Jadi teringat salah satu hadits yang artinya "orang yang terbaik adalah orang yang memberi manfaat untuk orang banyak" semoga kita termasuk orang yang memberi manfaat bagi orang banyak yaa Amiin.
 Pembahasan tentang judulnya udah cukup ya guys! Tunggu posting selanjutnya yaaa!